Thursday, October 16, 2008

Coffee (a.k.a there's no such thing as october on mars)

coffee is an interesting thing. it can keep you up late at night, but it can also unlock a world of imagination you never knew was there. What is it with me and coffee? I tried to get off of the stuff, but it keeps calling me back, and keeps not letting me down (for the most part) I mean don't get me wrong too much of it and i'm back to a headache, but it tastes so good. I got to thinking last night (after I had had coffee and was happy) that these days of the week, and months aren't "real" and by that I mean they are man made. I don't know if I'm being clear, what I mean is once you leave our planet there's no such thing as "Wednesday" or "October", I dono i thought it was interesting.

Monday, October 13, 2008

First Post

I got to express some of my thoughts with a friend of mine today. It's about what I think about a lot. It's called the human condition. I described it as how we think, what we think about, and why we do the things we do. For example why do people believe the things they do? For one I can say that it was probably handed down to them by their parents, which is not necessarily a bad thing but when you come to realize you're only doing something and you don't even really believe in it then the situation becomes tough, but when the human race is presented with change. A lot of people seem to want change but deep down don't really want to do what it takes to change. And another thing to think about is that if one is constantly changing then he or she is seen as unstable and wishy washy. Think of change more as a growing process, like the human body growing up to adulthood or a seed growing into a tree. The thing looks like what it started as but it's not quite the same. You can apply this way to a person. You should always base what you do on what you have been taught but be willing to adjust and modify as necessary. This can be called the pursuit of the truth, which i believe is a hard one.
