Saturday, October 15, 2011

Rear Window

Who am I to write a review of a classic movie? An amateur that's who. I probably have seen far less movies than a true "movie guru" but I have seen my share, and boy have I seen some real stinkers as well as some gems. I have seen a few that have been compared to the master himself, Alfred Hitchcock. Among them, The Sixth Sense, Signs, and Flight Plan (which is easily the worst of these three, and actually quite funny if I remember correctly) but after seeing many of the imitators and movies influenced by him I thought it was time to sit down and watch one of the real things, and boy was I in for a treat. I don't think I have really seen a movie like "Rear Window" before, except maybe "Rope" which is of course another Hitchockian classic. It really only has one set piece, Jimmy Stewart's apartment, from which he (and we the audience) see the world outside his (Rear) window. You see Jimmy has a broken leg and has nothing better to do than to spy on his neighbors. Boy what a creeper. But the film is really all about relationships, Jim's relationship with his girlfriend (played by the beautiful Grace Kelly), his nurse, his friend, and the relationships or lack thereof that his neighbor's have. It's quite interesting. For the first 30-45 minutes of the film Hitchcock sets up the world that Stewart lives in, and his relationships. He shows the rhythm of his day. Slowly we find out about his reluctancy to marry and why. One day however Jim notices that one of his neighbors is missing, and her husband seems very suspicious. Stewart has no choice but to get help from the outside world to see if his suspicions are true. I won't spoil how it ends up, but the story plays out nicely and naturally. Even though the neighbors are only used at background and have little to no dialogue they all have their own story (besides the suspicious husband I mean) that each have their own arc over the movie, and it is nice to see how that pans out. I recommend this movie highly if you enjoy classic cinema, thrillers, or just have a marginal knowledge of Hitchcock and like what you have heard. Now about this blog post it is an experiment. I am just trying to write out how I feel and think about something, in this case a movie. If you have constructive criticism let me know please, but any negative comments will be deleted. I know I am not the authority on movies, I really just want to try and write something and also let all who are willing to read know about a great movie!

thanks :D

Saturday, January 22, 2011

another blog

Do you ever get that feeling that all you need to do in your life to make something good happen is just to take a little action? I kind of feel like that now, but I am afraid to take action sometimes...and now I'm back...I know you didn't know I was gone but I left my computer open to this site for an hour or so. oy. so those are my jumbled thoughts.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I hate complaining....I hate complaining about complaining, but dang it I just don't feel good as of late. I don't know what's the matter...I won't make this a long post because a whole page about negative things isn't cool...and positive triumphs negative...I just feel so "flat" lately, I don't know if it's work or because I haven't tried to quiet myself and just spend time with God, I read this thing this morning that said that you shouldn't feel guilty about not reading your should feel hungry when you don't. I agree with that, but maybe I'm just not reading the right ya like my .'s? sorry random, anyways, I guess the best way to explain is that I don't feel like myself....I could go on and explain about the false self and the true self...ok I'll share my thoughts. The false self is part of you that whose desires are superficial (money, etc) and your true self is the part of you that listens to God, and knows how to see beneath the veil of society (that just came to me...I hope that's right) as your true self grows then you want less of your false self to the point where things that feed the true self you are disgusted by (just as an aside I don't think money is evil...just the worship of it!) I know all of this is vague, but I feel like I've just been feeding the false self and I can't unleash my true self (or be my true self) because I don't have someone to talk to about that kind of stuff...or somewhere to be my true self...ok I made this a bit longer than I wanted to but it wasn't all fact I feel a bit better, I wish I could write narrative like Michelle though...oh well

Friday, January 14, 2011

short post

maybe some things never change... :(

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

the eternal cage

I have a LOT of time to think every day (let's just say that my work doesn't require much brain power) but I guess my thought that I thought of was when I was driving home (or would that be as I drove home?) *shakes head* anyways, I was thinking about the cage that most of us are in (not a literal cage) what I mean is our jobs. I mean that I know a lot of people (at least where i work) hate their job (myself included sometimes) but I mean for all the complaining I hear does anyone try to leave? I'm not sure, and even some of the people I have seen who quit come right back to the job...isn't that strange? The very thing that some of these people hate, is what keeps them going (financially at least) but if they step out they get scared and they want to go back to the "security" found in the familiarity (aka the cage) I have known this before because after a change occurs in my life I usually find myself wanting to go back to the way things were...but the truth is that things ALWAYS change, we can't go through life wishing for our situations to stay the same, I won't go into full detail now but I think that I've found that the approach we should take to life is to not plan things out fully but be able to deal with things as they come up (improv) that way we stay sharp, or at least that's what I think. Phew, I can't write as much as Michelle, but I guess I don't have to...that's all I have now :)

Monday, January 10, 2011


I think it's starting to happen again, i'm pretty much back into the swing of things back at work, and with that comes...well I want to call it depression, but maybe it's just having to go back to normal, with the school year back in session, meaning that Jason is gone, my brother goes back to school, and my other local friend is back in school also....which leaves me alone...I dono, i guess I'm just not looking forward to this month...I wish there were an upswing...and I wish I had someone to talk with.